Farmers for Hillary Pugh Kent
3/9/23, 5:00 PM
Hillary Pugh Kent today announced the formation of a group of supporters for her campaign for the House of Delegates.

Contact: campaign@hillarypughkentva.com
Farmers for Hillary Pugh Kent
Warsaw, Virginia – Hillary Pugh Kent today announced the formation of a group of supporters for her campaign for the House of Delegates. “Farmers for Hillary” has been created for supporters who are farmers and those that make their livelihood in the wide and varied worlds of growing crops, raising livestock and other areas of agriculture.
“Farming is the life-blood of the 67th District. As Spring approaches, we are reminded on a daily basis that with each red-bud that appears and the return of green to the grass, that it is time for spring planting. Our farmers not only provide the consumer product and its distribution, but they provide the landscape and scenery that make up Caroline, King George and the Northern Neck," said Hillary Pugh Kent. "I am honored to have the endorsement of farmer Bobby Gillions of Westmorleand County (picture included), Freddie Deitz of Northumberland County, and Michael Self of Richmond County."
Bobby Gillions and his wife, Bridget, along with their children have been farming for over 50 years in the Hague and Oldhams area of Westmoreland County. He is a fourth generation farmer. Their farm, Taurus farm, provides grain and cattle to the community. Mr. Gillions said, “Hillary is the kind of candidate we need. She understands the importance of farming to our community and to multiple generations. She has all of our support and our vote.”
Deitz Farm in Northumberland is a family farm producing crops. “I’ve known Hillary and her family for years. She will be a great voice for farmers and all of the Northern Neck in Richmond. I have no doubt she is ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work.” Freddie Deitz
Michael Self of Michael J. Self & Son Grain Farms in Farnham and Richmond County has been farming for over 45 years. He is also a multi-generational farmer, as his family has been farming in Richmond County since before the 1890’s. Michael said, “Hillary has my vote. When I learned Hillary would be running for House of Delegates after Margaret Ransone’s retirement, I immediately offered my support. I know Hillary will work hard for all the people in the District and values the work of farmers.”
“According to Virginia Farm Bureau, over 90% of farms in Virginia are owned by families and individuals. Farms employ almost 500,000 jobs in the Commonwealth and individual farmers provide food for six times as many people as they did in the 1960s. Now more than ever, we need to look out for those who literally put the food on the table,” said Kent.
Stay tuned to the campaign for additional endorsements and support from “Farmers for Hillary.”
The newly configured House of Delegates 67th District (formerly the 99th) includes the counties of: Caroline (part), King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland.